Sunday, July 5, 2015

lake days

it's something about a mountain breeze and pine trees,
lake days and sun rays;
they make our brains think and our hearts beat
and our lips dry
but that's not anything you couldn't fix.
blue skies like your eyes,
not even the clouds could fog my vision because all I needed to see was you.
and we both know fireworks weren't just in the sky that night,
they were the days spent next to you,
my bravest days. 
they were laughs around the fire and endless boat rides and card games and 29 mosquito bites.
they were your hands and awkward day ones. 
they were bad comebacks and surprise attacks and the way our voices harmonized.

they were us,

unexpected and out of range, 
but realer than anything.
so here's to summer and cabins on the lake and you,
thanks for being so sweet.


  1. this is good. also i really like the look of your blog.

    "unexpected and out of range,
    but realer than anything"

  2. I like the smile that this have me. Same line as Savanna, got me good.

    unexpected and out of range

