Tuesday, February 10, 2015

rose garden

the ones who take their lives are the ones we expect to least.
the captain of the football team, 
the girl with perfect blond hair,
the boy who drives an audi;
they all seem to be fine when inside
they scream.

they feel pain
they feel the pain
excruciating, agonizing, searing pain.
their hearts ache and their lungs gasp for air, and we give them only so much as a glimpse because to us their lives are "perfect".
take a step back. 
look. breathe it in. taste the bitterness.

these kids are everywhere.
one of those kids could be you.

these kids are outcasts in their perspective.
they think they don't know themselves
so they can't accept themselves.

we live in a world where acceptance by others is valued more than red roses are by gardens.
to not be depressed we must be accepted by others.
acceptance is key
acceptance is key
others MUST accept me.

screw others, 
accept yourself.
because in the long run acceptance of yourself will keep you alive
and running free 
so you can see what light you give off
and what kinds of music describe you;
it could save your existence. 

don't hide yourself.
share your emotions
curse into the sky  when nothing is going right and let yourself FEEL.
remember who you are.
be the rose in the garden and remember you are valued.

be you,
love you,
be nice to you,
accept you.


  1. I feel so strongly about this topic and you said everything so well.
    Thank you JJ!

  2. Everyone needs to hear this message. Well done JJ

  3. 'Accept you'. That was just what I needed to read JJ. So thank you.
