Tuesday, March 31, 2015


my lungs are burning,
gasping for air with every stride
watching the trees go by
I am running.
the colors are turning fast
and my mind wants to catch up
but my heart has a calendar of its own,
and it says May 28 shouldn't be
this close
I am running.
my legs want to stop
and memories are being made,
but the clock ticks on 
and those memories are becoming blurs;
minds are spinning
legs are still moving
I am running.

I am running
I am running
I am running

hell, im sprinting
and baby this is the last mile of 26.2
my lungs are burning,
gasping for air with every stride.

why am I still running?


  1. "But my heart had a calander of its own."

    I don't know why I'm still running either.

    I liked this.

  2. JJ!!! This is so great.

    "baby this is the last mile of 26.2"
